– Hanshi Frank Grant on the first days of the WSKF.
In the beginning there was my dojo, the Martha's Vineyard dojo
and Jack’s (Kyoshi McPeek’s — Greenville, Ohio) dojo.
In 1970, Hanshi Grant and a few of his top ranking black belt students gathered under a large maple tree in his backyard and mapped out an organization for Matsubayashi-Ryu in America. Before that day, the many dojo scattered across the mid-west and on the east coast were independently operated. This led to a lack of standard techniques and curriculum among the many dojo. Each sensei taught Matsubayashi-Ryu as they saw fit. Some added, some subtracted and others deviated from Grand Master Nagamine’s original form.
After many months of mapping out the organization, on a summer’s day in Ohio, the World Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Federation (WSKF) was born. Hanshi and his inner-circle of students met once a month and wrote the federation’s constitution, rules and regulations, offices and duties, and the rest of the necessary articles of appointments and stipulations that make up this professional organization. After five years of hard work, Grand Master Nagamine sent his approval of the Constitution and Bylaws of the WSKF from the Honbu (head dojo) in Naha, Okinawa.
At this time, there were only three dojo in the WSKF. It slowly grew and as the decades have gone by, the Federation has become bigger and stronger thanks to all the dedicated students. The determination of Hanshi Grant to continue with Master Nagamine’s original intention of his art is the backbone of the WSKF. Hanshi has often said, “I made a promise to my Sensei (Grand Master Shoshin Nagamine) that I would never deviate from his teachings and I never will.”
Today the WSKF is stronger than it has ever been. It is an exciting time to be a part of this great organization. Technology is playing a large role in the Federation, as there are many projects being developed to help our students train smarter and learn more in order for them to be the best Matsubayashi-Ryu stylists in the world.